Sourcecode -

Since there I wasn't able to find any existing libraries for connecting to Azure EventHub from C/C++ using native EventHub Kafka surface capabilities and using librdkafka to achieve it.

Existing EventHub AMQP capacities could be used to reach the same level using either azure-uamqp-c or Qpid Proton

Azure EventHub setup

Create EventHub Namespace with minimum Standard tier since Kafka Surface is not available in Basic tier.

After creating EventHub within EventHub Namespace for the configuration we will need Hostname and Shared access policies Connection String.

Build and run

Copy getting-started.ini.sample file to getting-started.ini and update fields with XXXXXX based on the information from EventHub configuration.

Examples assumes the Event Hub name (topic name) is purchases.


docker build -f Dockerfile.consumer . azure-eventhub-kafka-c-consumer:latest
docker run azure-eventhub-kafka-c-consumer:latest


docker build -f Dockerfile.producer . azure-eventhub-kafka-c-producer:latest
docker run azure-eventhub-kafka-c-producer:latest

Materials and references